Digital radiography with the complete X-ray system for small animals

The Amadeo V system is specially designed for use in veterinary practices and includes all components and functions necessary for digital X-ray imaging without cassettes – including patient positioning table with floating tabletop, three-phase generator, computer and monitor, as well as the dicomPACS®DX-R acquisition and diagnostic software. The Amadeo V is available in DR (direct radiography detector system) and conventional CR versions. The Amadeo V system is compact and can easily be installed in confined spaces. The X-ray generator is integrated directly into the X-ray table. The system is easy to use and accomodates multiple imaging techniques.

The optimised workflow of the Amadeo V system is designed to save time, personnel and financial resources. The dicomPACS®DX-R control console offers all tools necessary for working with the X-ray system: from generator control to the display of high quality images for diagnostic evaluation. All settings are input at a single monitor. In addition, the integrated multimedia X-ray positioning guide assists with patient positioning and software settings.



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Two versions are available:

Amadeo V-DR:

With built-in X-ray detector

Amadeo V-AX:

For use with film or CR cassettes

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Features and Benefits of the Amadeo V System

Cost effective

The Amadeo vet system provides a large number of features at a low daily cost.

Your beneft: Affordable state-of the-art digital X-ray technology.

Excellent image quality

The top-quality flat panel detector delivered with the DR system (resolution 5 lp/mm) uses a caesium iodide (CsI) scintillator and boast excellent image quality even at low radiation doses. High resolution images enable excellent diagnosis even for small objects (e.g., cat and dog paws).

Your benefit: Higher quality images than industry-standard GadOx (Gd²O²S:Tb) detectors.


The professional dicomPACS®DX-R acquisition software sports an intuitive and modern graphical user interface. All examinations are conducted comfortably at a single monitor. X-ray parameters are automatically transferred to the generator.

Your benefit: There is no need to enter X-ray parameters manually at the control console of the X-ray system.


X-ray images are available for viewing and diagnosis within 6-8 seconds of triggering.

Your benefit: Quick patient processing and well-documented workflow.


The acquisition software can be integrated into your existing practice administration system, allowing patient data to be transferred with the press of a button.

Your benefit: No more tedious patient data entry.

Ingenious design

The integrated X-ray positioning guide helps you choose optimal positioning during the examination of cats and dogs.

Your benefit: The X-ray process is made easier.

One of a kind

Special analysis tools associated with MMP (Modified Maquet Procedure) HD measurements, TTA, TPLO, heart diagnostics, etc. are provided at no extra cost.

Your benefit: Image analysis is simplified.


The patient positioning table is equipped with a floating tabletop.

Your benefit: Unhindered maneuvering and convenient front-panel operator control.

Compact construction

The X-ray generator is integrated directly into the X-ray table of the Amadeo V system.

Your benefit: Saves space and costs (neither additional cable ducts nor floor space for the generator are needed).

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Acquisition and diagnostic software for X-ray images

Digital X-ray: Acquisition and diagnostic software for X-ray images

At the heart of each Amadeo system is the dicomPACS®DX-R acquisition and diagnostic software with the integrated X-ray positioning guide developed by OR Technology. 

The software controls X-ray generators and X-ray units of various manufacturers, providing a smooth and structured workflow. A simple and user friendly GUI (graphical user interface), operated by touchscreen or mouse, completes the system.

The professional dicomPACS®DX-R image processing can be adapted to individual user needs and offers outstanding image quality in human and veterinary medicine. It has been specially developed to enable organ specific viewing quality optimisation, guaranteeing the highest quality of X-ray images.

[more information...]

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X-ray detectors for Amadeo V systems

digital x-ray detectors

Here you can find a list of the available X-ray detectors. Different types and sizes of X-ray detectors allow an individual configuration of the system.

[to the overview...]

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¿Es el Amadeo V el aparato de rayos X digital adecuado para su consulta o clínica veterinaria de pequeños animales?
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  • Product information complete X-ray system Amadeo V-DR for small animals
    The complete X-ray system includes all components and functions necessary for digital X-ray

  • Product overview veterinary medicine
    Digital X-ray imaging - guide for vet clinic and practice

  • Product information protection box for 14x17 inch detector
    This protection box protects 14x17 inch wireless X-ray detectors from external shocks and strong vibrations. The housing contains several protective layers to absorb shocks and increase the load capacity.

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Optional add-ons

dicomPACS®MobileView – the web-based viewer for mobile devices

dicomPACS®MobileView -  the web-based viewer for mobile devices
The web-based viewer contains all the basic functions for viewing images. You can view images virtually with any browser on mobile devices. dicomPACS®MobileView offers vets a previously unknown degree of mobile freedom in the workplace inside and outside of hospitals or practices, with the radiological image material available from anywhere.

Cloud ORCA – storage of medical data (images and documents) as well as sharing via the internet

ORCA  - storage of medical data (images and documents) as well as sharing via the internet
ORCA (OR Tecxhnology Cloud Archiving) is a cloud-based platform specially designed for storing, viewing and sharing medical images and documents. ORCA offers two exciting applications: ORCA Archive and ORCA Share.


dicomPACS®vet – the sophisticated and high-tech image management solution

dicomPACS®vet -  the sophisticated and high-tech image management solution  
dicomPACS®vet  is an easy to operate, well thought out instrument for daily diagnoses. The software includes the acquisition, processing, transfer and archiving of image material and can easily be integrated into all common administration systems.

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  • Amadeo references - specialised joint veterinary practice of Dr. Fischer-Wackes and Dr. Wackes
    Dr. Fischer-Wackes and Dr. Wackes, Germany: “Before we purchased the new X-ray system we made enquiries amongst our colleagues, a number of whom recommended solutions by OR Technology...”

  • Reference Digital X-ray Amadeo V - Veterinary clinic Hamburger Kompetenzzentrum Kleintiermedizin
    „We are particularly thrilled by the improvements in the workflow for image creation,“ emphasises veterinarian Valeska Furck. „X-ray images are available for viewing and diagnosis within seconds. No time is lost developing and scanning films.“

  • Direct digital X-ray with Amadeo V mini II in the veterinary practice Kammermeier in Laberweinting, Germany
    A few years ago, I became aware of the image processing software dicomPACS®vet and thus of OR Technology through a WDT catalogue," veterinarian Kammermaier told us.

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Technical Data for Amadeo V (standard configuration)

HF generator

32 kW generator power output (max. 400 mA, 40 – 125 kV, 0.5 – 500 mAs)

Bucky table

Sturdy and and durable column-construction

FFA= 100 cm

Four-way floating table (152 x 72 cm), highly maneuverable

Silent two-stage brakes operated by hand or foot

Dose-optimised table top, side-mounted attachment bars

Integrated grid

Compact construction suitiable for installation in very confined spaces

Low maintenance powder-coated surface – dent-resistant

Easy to clean

X-ray tube 1.0 /2.0 mm
Collimator, symmetric

With lead diaphrams both close and distant to the focal spot, with halogen or LED lighting, manual operation via the brake panel, long exposure time (approx. 2.5 min)

Bucky with removable grid


Direct radiography detector (17,0" x 17,0")

Only for Amadeo V-DR

•   Detector based on amorphous Silicon (a-Si) with Caesium Iodide (CsI) scintillator
•   Active area 43,2 x 43,2 cm (17,0" x 17,0")
•   Pixel pitch 100 µm
•   Resolution 4,320 (h) x 4,320 Pixel (v) (18,5 million pixel)
•   Resolution approx. 5.0 lp/mm
•   Dynamic range (DQE) >75%
•   A/D conversion 16 bit
•   Dimension 46 x 46 x 1.5 cm (18.1" x 18.1" x 0.6") (WxHxD) (ISO 4090)
•   Weight 4.5 kg (9.9 lbs.)

Operator control via dicomPACS®DX-R acquisition station

Mini PC with 23” monitor including dicomPACS DX-R acquisition and diagnostic software with modern graphical user interface

Control of the flat panel monitor

Control of the X-ray generator

Customized, organ-specific image processing CoP (Cognition Optimised Processing)

Mulitmedia X-ray positioning guide

DICOM Send SCU for image transfer to a PACS system

SCU/SCP instructions for connecting to the practice's data processing system

Patient CD

Optional Components for the Amadeo V System

Monitor integrated above the collimator

Only for Amadeo V-DR

Connection to standard electrical outlets with stored energy function for an initial power output of 6.5 kWh

Available, electrical power supply 230 VAC/16 A, max. 6.5 kW/150 mAs

X-ray tube, focal spot 0.3 / 1.0 mm


X-ray tube, focal spot 0.6 / 1.0 mm


HF generator with 50 kW output


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Subject to technical modifications