About OR Technology

OR Technology has been successfully creating innovative and specialised X-ray solutions since 1991. OR Technology is a leading provider of digital X-ray imaging (CR, DR) and image management (PACS). Its clients include hospitals, universities and specialised medical practices as well as aid organisations, medical services and customers from the industry (NDT) and public authorities (security).

OR Technology’s know how is based on decades of experience in developing software for digital image processing combined with specialized knowledge in the field of X-ray technology. OR Technology is in a position to offer sophisticated and individually configurable system solutions to partners in medicine (human and vet) and industry. All product development takes place at the company’s HQ, based in Germany.

OR Technology continuously invests in research and development, product design and cloud-based software tools through to automated reporting using artificial intelligence (AI).

The headquarters also house the company’s multilingual service department. The company’s prosperous track record includes several thousand installed X-ray and image processing systems in over 140 countries worldwide (as at 01/2023).


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Image film: OR Technology has been developing sophisticated and individually tailored system solutions for medicine and industry since 1991 fake rolex



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Chronology of OR Technology

  • Foundation of OR Technology [Oehm und Rehbein] Rostock, Germany

  • Installation of the first digital X-ray system incl. PACS in an orthopaedic surgeon's practice in Bavaria, Germany

  • Development of our own PACS solution dicomPACS®

  • Establishment of the “OR Technology competence group” in Germany

  • Entry in the international market

  • Extension of our business area by incorporating veterinary medicine

  • Expansion of the international network of distributors

  • Introduction of our own dicomPACS®DX-R acquisition softwarefor DR & CR, and first OEM partnership
  • Changed company structure: from a pure software provider to a system supplier – Staff growth in the departments of development, support and marketing/PR
  • Staff growth in the departments of development, support and marketing/PR
  • More than 5000 installed work stations in over 40 countries and more than 50 distributors worldwide
  • Hongkong: entering the NDT market (non-destructive testing) with pearl imaging
  • Introduction of the new web based ORIX support system
  • Moving to the new headquarters in Rostock (Germany) with 50 employees
  • Winner of the Export Award of the local Industrial Chamber of Commerce
  • Introduction of the fully automated Amadeo U-arm system
  • Establishment of OR Technology's in house training academy
  • Functional upgrade of the sucessful Leonardo model
  • Release of ORCA® (OR Cloud Archiving)
  • Entering the national security market by installation at a federal authority
  • Extension of the stationary and mobile Amadeo product range
  • Expansion of the Leonardo DR system family
  • Developing our dealer network nationally and internationally to include about 70 countries
  • Expansion of the business in NDT, security and maritime sector
  • Introduction of an order management system (OMS) in ORIX for our partners
  • dicomPACS® Upper Cervical Chiropractic Tools
  • Divario CR-T series as FUJI OEM
  • 250th PerkinElmer XRpad flat panel sold
  • New sales in Bahrain, Bolivia, Mongolia, Papua New Guinea, Vietnam etc.
  • Launch of our own flat panel series XenOR
  • In-house development of the lightweight mobile X-ray system Amadeo M mini
  • Establishment of our new web presence
  • Expansion of sales activities in the South American market
  • OR Technology X-ray systems on all 7 continents incl. Antarctic 
  • Expansion in the Security sector - lelivery of 25 Leonardo DR mini systems for the police forces of an Asian state
  • Contract with the first OEM partner in China
  • Market introduction of Leonardo DR mini succeeding model
  • Introduction of the new Leonardo DR mini II X-ray suitcase

  • New sales partners in Jordan, Bolivia and Peru

  • Planning start for new company building for production, prototype construction and storage

  • Expansion of international sales network

  • New print media concept

  • Extension of the Amadeo series for veterinary and human medicine with 3 models

  • Development start for our new small animal table Amadeo V-DR mini II

  • Product launch of the  X-ray bag Leonardo DR pico

  • Laying of the foundation stone of the second company building at the Rostock headquarters

  • Mastering with the corona crisis without economic disruption

  • Introduction of online training for international sales partners

  • Partnership with the Gesellschaft für Pferdemedizin (GPM Germany) for the standardization and quality assurance of horse purchase examinations in imaging procedures (development of an X-ray app with authorised comparison images)

  • New product development in the human sector: motorised swivel-arm X-ray system Amadeo S motorised

  • Topping out ceremony & completion of the shell of the second company building at the Rostock headquarters

  • 30 years of OR Technology.

  • Inauguration of the extension building with 850 m² of floor space

  • Introduction of AI for process support in HD examinations in veterinary medicine

  • OR Technology acquires 100 percent of the shares in Celtic SMR Ltd. UK - Important milestone on the way to becoming a multinational medical technology manufacturer and software provider

  • Founding of the OR OstseeCollege, a platform for practice-oriented further and advanced training with face-to-face and online courses

  • Introduction of artificial intelligence in the in-house developed X-ray software for further measurement and reporting tools in human medicine

  • Expansion of our own XenOR X-ray detector series in cooperation with iRay

  • Delivery of X-ray equipment for humanitarian aid in the war zones of Ukraine

  • The next step on the road to successful further development of the company has been taken: In his role as CCO (Chief Commercial Officer), Tim Thurn has been appointed as an additional managing director with immediate effect.

  • Launch of the in-house development Leonardo DR mini III for veterinary and human medicine, the gold standard among X-ray cases

  • Development and launch of the new X-ray app dicomPACS®DX-R remote control for flexible, location-independent control of X-ray processes for all industries

  • Honoured by the Federal Chancellery with the VORSPRUNG business award by the East German Business Forum OWF

  • Expansion of dental X-ray systems for veterinary medicine with CMOS detectors

  • Delivery of mobile X-ray systems and equipment to crisis areas around the world

  • Continued growth of OR Technology and its international branches despite various crises and economic challenges

  • Bidding farewell to our long-standing CEO, Bernd Oehm, as he retires and celebrating the successful transition to Tim Thurn as our new CEO

  • Successful implementation of the multimodality strategy in the veterinary sector with the own brand OR 4Vet

  • Introduction of the new ORmed image acquisition software for OEMs and end customers

  • Expansion of direct sales in Ireland and France

  • Launch of the ORsono product range with four colour Doppler ultrasound systems under the OR brand

  • Delivery of mobile X-ray systems and equipment to crisis areas around the world

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  • Image brochure OR Technology
    Beyond a good Image: Global strategy - Tailor made innovation - Milestones on the road to success - Customised products - Quality ensured - Competence under one roof Working together with enthusiasm

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Vision, quality and growth - our foundation for a lasting and beneficial relationship

The story of OR Technology is closely connected with the development of medical and industrial technology over the past three decades.

Even if the markets have changed globally during that period, innovation, quality, competence and cooperation are solid components of our company's philosophy. A visionary strategy, innovative ideas, consistent quality policies, investments in development and service, as well as the strategic set-up of an international network of distributors enabled our company to grow from a supplier of medical practice administration systems within Germany to a software system provider operating around the world. 

By now our team consists of more than 80 highly qualified and experienced programmers, IT specialists and experts in the fields of marketing and sales. To maintain lasting business relations on an international level, our staff prove their intercultural and technical expertise on a daily basis and now communicate with our customers and suppliers in no less than eight languages. They are a key to our success and our most valuable asset.

The merger of Celtic SMR with OR Technology has sealed a long-standing partnership that will benefit all veterinary and human medicine customers in the UK and Ireland. Celtic has very good market expertise and a functioning distribution network in the UK, which perfectly complement the business and technology portfolio of OR Technology.

OR Technology is now a leading provider of customised system solutions for human and veterinary medicine, security and industry.


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Sustainability strategy of OR Technology

Developing sustainably means considering environmental aspects on an equal basis with economic and social aspects. We are sustainably committed to our corporate responsibility - as an employer, within the society and regarding our economic as well as our environmental liabilities. Our aim is to combine these pillars of sustainability.

Developing our company in a sustainable way and shaping the working environment of our employees in a noticeable way are challenges that we face every day anew. Leaving as small an "ecological footprint" as possible is our ongoing aspiration.

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OR Technology promotes and implements the following sustainability initiatives:

Our facility in Rostock uses green power provided by Naturstrom.

We exchanged our air conditioning with a heat recovering ventilation system to reduce energy loss in winter.

We motivate our employees to use bicycles instead of the car by either subsidising the purchase of a bike or providing company bicycles.

Mineral water in returnable bottles from the region is offered free of charge to employees.

Free organic coffee is available on each floor.

Organic fruit (mostly from the region) is delivered every week and offered free of charge.

Organic lunches are provided three times a week and subsidised for staff.

Our headquarters in Rostock is bright and friendly. The building is close to the water's edge and offers us a magnificent view of the Warnow at any time of year.

In order to create a sporty balance to the daily work routine, there are various offers financed by the company, such as table tennis, yoga, badminton, squash, bowling and courses in the leisure centre or fitness studio, which can be used by the employees.

We offer free weekly massages by professional physiotherapists during working hours.

Participation in the annual Rostock company run is made possible and paid for.

Further training opportunities are possible and welcome according to need. English lessons are offered weekly within working hours and free of charge.

OR Technology offers its employees flexitime and a flexible working time model. This makes it easier to reconcile work and family life.

In order to strengthen and promote the team spirit between the employees, various events such as a summer party, an excursion during the Hanse Sail and a christmas party are offered every year.

OR Technology has been training apprentices for many years. Our trainees of today are often our employees of tomorrow.

Sustainability impacts our fields of development and production. Our aim is to repair and develop equipment, not to replace it immediately.

As a globally active company, we offset the CO2 emissions of all our employees's business flights via the platform www.atmosfair.de.

OR technology is fulfilling its social responsibility. We have already been involved several times in helping refugees with medical equipment and donations.

Furthermore, local social projects such as the Rostocker Tafel, the women's shelter, the Stadtmission or Mike Möwenherz are supported every year.

We support the local Chamber of Commerce and Industry through an honorary position on the Foreign Trade Committee.

Three raised beds adorn our terrace and our employees with green thumbs transform them into flowering hotspots

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