The web-based viewer for mobile devices or PCs

The web-based viewer dicosPACS MobileView is one of the numerous extension modules of the diagnostic software dicosPACS. The Viewer allows image retrieval in DICOM/DICOS quality from any device such as tablet computers, ultrabooks or PCs via an Internet browser, regardless of the number of workstations installed. It offers virtually browser-independent viewing of images on mobile devices - in your work environment within the scope of object protection, personal security, border controls and airport security. The user can access all images worldwide via a network connection via the dicosPACS system.

The viewer also offers text capture and export of images and texts. Documents can also be attached and exchanged.



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The main advantages at a glance:

  • High flexibility through the use within various internet browsers, including Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari 5, Safari for iPad and Android browser
  • Intuitive operation
  • Supports the multi-touch operating technology (e.g. zoom in and out with two-fingers)
  • Supports full screen mode
  • Allows accessing the ORsecure or dicosPACS database without any additional modules
  • High loading speed with modern streaming technology


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The web-based viewer offers an important range of functions of a professional PACS viewer

  • Image annotation in various colours (e.g., arrow, text)
  • Measurement (e.g., length, angle)
  • evaluation reports including custom report templates
  • File attachment
  • Image comparison using different grids
  • Image rotation and mirroring 
  • Brightness and contrast adjustment
  • Image inversion, zooming in/out
  • Full screen and fit image modes
  • Image panning
  • Image series scrolling
  • Document and image export
  • Document and image printing 



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  • Brochure Digital radiography for targeted operations against terrorism, for civil defense and forensic science
    The security industry is a globally growing market that includes many business fields - ublic authorities, embassies, municipal bomb squads, airports or corporations use radiography to examine suspicious objects in different locations

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Fields of application of dicosPACS®MobileView

dicosPACS MobileView can be installed in addition to existing dicosPACS diagnostic modules. It is irrelevant whether the dicosPACS MobileView software is used on a network PC (pure viewing workstation) or/ and on a mobile device. Worldwide access to all image material is available via a network connection, e.g. VPN access via the internet, of the used mobile device to the central dicosPACS system.


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Further optional modules and add-ons of dicomPACS® Basic Package

dicondePACS– the sophisticated and high-tech image management solution

Digital image management for mobile X-ray imaging in the security sector (e. g. EOD/IOD)  
The  dicosPACS software acquires, processes, transfers and archives images. Thanks to a diverse array of special functions, the  dicosPACS can be customised for many applications in the security sector. 

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