/images/menu-icons/produkte/PACS-Logo-farbig.svg dicomPACS® Prosthesis Documentation Module /images/menu-icons/branchen/Veterinaermedizin.svg

Pre-operative planning with the prosthesis documentation module

The dicomPACS®vet prosthesis documentation module allows you to plan and/or document operations. There are two ways to plan an operation with prosthesis templates:

Planning and/or documenting operations with digitised prosthesis templates does not require a film identical image display. The prosthesis template is simply selected from a set of templates and displayed in the image as an annotation. OR Technology can add new or not yet digitised prosthesis templates to the system at any time.

Planning with existing transparency prosthesis templates (provided by the manufacturers) requires a film identical image to be displayed on the monitor in the same size as an equivalent analogue X-ray image on film. The existing prosthesis transparency in the relevant scale of your X-ray unit is placed onto the monitor instead of onto an X-ray film. The prosthesis template is transferred onto the X-ray image by means of the dicomPACS®vet drawing functions, and then stored and printed.




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  • Product brochure dicomPACS®vet - Professional image processing in veterinary medicine
    Digital X-ray and image management for the highest demands, includes acquisition, diagnosis, transfer and archiving of image material

  • Product overview veterinary medicine
    Digital X-ray imaging - guide for vet clinic and practice

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Further optional modules and add-ons of dicomPACS® Basic Package

PACS Schnittbilder vet

dicomPACS®vet Administration and diagnosis of image slices
dicomPACS®vet includes all the necessary tools for the professional diagnosis of slices such as CT or MRI. Functions like hanging protocols, cine loop, manual scrolling through series, and the visualisation of current and delimiting outlines allow the user to work fast and professionally.

PACS MobileView vet

dicomPACS®MobileView - the web-based viewer for mobile devices
The web-based viewer contains all the basic functions for viewing images. You can view images virtually with any browser on mobile devices. dicomPACS®MobileView offers vets a previously unknown degree of mobile freedom in the workplace inside and outside of equine clinic or vet practices, with the radiological image material available from anywhere.

PACS KU Modul vet

Report module for X-ray services relating to equine prepurchase examinations
This dicomPACS®vet report module enables the quick compilation of reports by automatically assembling X-ray images. It follows the “X-ray guideline” by the German organisations “Gesellschaft für Pferdemedizin e.V.” (non-profit organsation for equine medicine) and “Bundestierärztekammer e.V.” (Federal association of veterinarians). 


ORCA - storage of medical data (images and documents) as well as sharing via the internet 
 (OR Technology Cloud Archiving) is a cloud-based platform specially designed for storing, viewing and sharing medical images and documents. ORCA offers two exciting applications: ORCA Archive and ORCA Share.



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