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International Competence Network

One of OR Technology‘s most valued assets is a global network of authorised dealers and competent support staff. These partners are located  „just around the corner“, provide local support services and represent our personal commitment to customers in Germany and around the globe.

Worldwide, thousands of satisfied customers in human and veterinary medicine rely on our X-ray software solutions dicomPACS®, dicomPACS®vet and dicomPACS®DX-R, as well as on customized digital X-ray systems (portable and stationary) belonging to our product lines „Amadeo“, „Leonardo“, „Divario“ and „Medici“. Our products are also highly valued in the security sector and for non-destructive testing in science and industry. 

OR Technology‘s systems are straightforward to use, compact, versatile and portable. The products are well suited for use in diverse situations, ranging from private practices and clinics to ships, house calls and mobile hospitals.

Thanks to our locations in the UK, we have very good market expertise and a functioning distribution network in the UK, which perfectly complement OR Technologies business and technology portfolio.

OR Technology is supported by a global network of local partners that ensures continued high-quality service even after installation. In today‘s fast-paced world, customers value excellent service and reliable support more than ever.


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Please contact us

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If you are interested in purchasing a high quality product „made in Germany“ from OR Technology, please contact one of our authorised partners directly or fill out the form. We look forward to hearing from you!

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If you are interested in dealership, please fill in the questionnaire form for interested distribution partners and OEM's.



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