The compact suitcase solution for radiography in stables, clinics and hospitals

The newest model in our Leonardo series, the compact and versatile Leonardo DR mini II, combines X-ray detector technology with a high-performance acquisition and diagnostic software. Weighing only 8.9 kg, the system is one of the lightest suitcase X-ray solutions worldwide. The Leonardo DR mini II is designed for use in confined spaces as well as in the field, making it ideal for modern veterinarians. The suitcase system is the perfect solution for both stationary and portable radiography for mobile veterinary practices as well as equine and mixed animal clinics.

The Leonardo DR mini II is quick to set up and easy to use. Its built-in premium notebook with high resolution touchscreen monitor as well as integrated acquisition and diagnosis software guarantees excellent image display. The X-ray suitcase has two large LEDs clearly visible even from a distance of several meters. These LEDs indicate the software status, such as "Ready to expose". In addition, a signal tone sounds when the status changes. The notebook can easily be removed from its secured location within the case for use in an optimal ergonomic position or as a tablet during presentations.

An optional reporting module for pre-purchase X-ray examinations makes this system attractive for equine appraisal. The integrated diagnosis software also enables worldwide, fast and cost-effective information exchange (via cloud or email) in compliance with safety regulations for telemedical solutions. Only an internet connection is required.

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Video: The portable X-ray system - the lightest X-ray case for equine and mixed practices



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Two versions of the Leonardo DR mini II system are available:

Leonardo DR mini II

mobile X-ray system with wireless CsI flat panel detector 12" x 10",
format 24 x 30 cm

Leonardo DR mini II

mobile X-ray system with wireless CsI flat panel detector 14" x 17",
format 35 x 43 cm 

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Features & Benefits of the Leonardo DR mini II System

Ingeniously designed

wireless and battery-powered – designed for use in confined spaces as well as in the field 


battery-operated system can run continuously for over four hours – providing flexibility and maneuverability in difficult environments


weighing in at approx. 8.9 kg, the case fits behind any car seat


laptop can easily be removed from its secured location within the case – for use in an optimal ergonomic position or as a tablet during presentations


integration into your existing patient management system – patient data at the push of a button 

Excellent high-quality X-ray detector based on a caesium iodide (CsI) scintillator – top image quality even at low X-ray doses

self-explanatory OR Technology acquisition software dicomPACS®DX-R including free special measurement functions


shortly after taking the shot (6 - 8 seconds), the X-ray image is already available for viewing and diagnostic evaluation

Cleverly designed

integrated X-ray positioning guide (for examinations of cats, dogs and horses)


integrated diagnostic software offers a worldwide, fast and cost-effective exchange of information (via cloud or email)

One of a kind

Special analysis tools for MMP (Modified Maquet Procedure) automatic HD measurements (AI-support), TTA, TPLO, heart diagnostics, etc. are provided at no extra cost 

Well documented

professional software for detailed and comprehensive documentation of X-ray services during horse purchase examinations according to “X-ray guideline 2018" (only for Germany)


Software status display via large 4-colour LEDs on the corners of the suitcase


Audio output on status change

Remote controlled

You can use a mobile terminal, such as your smartphone, via a special app as a remote control to take and view images. Attached to your arm or the X-ray generator, it also serves as a control element allowing the user to gain a first impression of the images taken without having to move to the actual console workstation (tablet PC). You can find more information about the Remote Control app here.

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Acquisition and diagnostic software for X-ray images

DXR vet

At the heart of each Leonardo system is the dicomPACS®DX-R acquisition and diagnostic software with the integrated X-ray positioning guide developed by OR Technology. 

The software controls X-ray generators and X-ray units of various manufacturers, providing a smooth and structured workflow. A simple and user friendly GUI (graphical user interface), operated by touchscreen or mouse, completes the system.

The professional dicomPACS®DX-R image processing can be adapted to individual user needs and offers outstanding image quality in human and veterinary medicine. It has been specially developed to enable organ specific viewing quality optimisation, guaranteeing the highest quality of X-ray images.

[more information...]

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Our Leonardo cases "Made in Germany"

Our Leonardo cases are manufactured exclusively in Germany. Final assembly and quality control are realised at our production facility in Rostock.This way we can guarantee the best product quality for you.

Software and product development are carried out in-house at OR Technology, too, since current developments show that we need to think and act in managable ways. You benefit from an independent supplier who provides you with everything from a single source, ensures service and support for the entire life of the X-ray systems and guarantees manageable delivery times. 

Our hard-working employees from the production department during the final assembly of the Leonardo DR mini II cases:

Production of the Leonardo X-ray systems Final assembly of the Leonardo II mini cases Set-up of the Leonardo mini II X-ray systems
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X-ray detectors for Leonardo DR mini II systems

Digitales Röntgen: Akquisitions- und Befundsoftware für Röntgenbilder

Here you can find a list of the available X-ray detectors. Different types and sizes of X-ray detectors allow an individual configuration of the system.

[to the overview...]

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Any further questions?

Is the Leonardo DR mini II the right digital, mobile X-ray unit for you?
Let's find out together.
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nach oben
  • Product information X-ray suitcase Leonardo DR mini II
    The compact suitcase solution - the newest model in our Leonardo series combines X-ray detector technology with a high-performance acquisition and diagnostic software

  • Product overview veterinary medicine
    Digital X-ray imaging - guide for vet clinic and practice

  • Article in the ‘pferde spiegel’ magazine: ‘Digital radiography and X-ray guideline (only in German)
    Author Dr. Thomas Weinberger, equine clinic Burg Müggenhausen: Evaluation of X-ray images as part of a purchase examination – software support to prevent errors

  • Example of report module for X-ray services relating to equine prepurchase examinations
    The required X-ray images, including all modifications such as zoom, measurements and annotations, are automatically added to the respective diagnosis for documentation in the prepurchase report, the layout is automatically compiled

  • Product information protection box for X-ray detector XenOR 24CW
    This protective housing has been especially developed for the XenOR 24CW X-ray detector in order to protect it from external impacts and strong concussions. The robust housing comprises numerous protective layers and a circumferential rubber surround so that impacts can be absorbed and the load rating increased.

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Special functions for digital X-ray imaging

Digital X-ray images have the advantage that exact measurements can be taken at the monitor and the image quality can be improved by a number of manipulations. dicomPACS®DX-R now offers some special functions. Detailed information on the special functions for veterinary medicine can be found here.

•  Modified Maquet Procedure (MMP)
•  Pre-operative planning with the prosthesis documentation module
•  TTA (Tibial Tuberosity Advancement) measuring tool
•  HD measuring technique for dogs
•  TPLO (Tibial Plateau Leveling Osteotomy) measuring tool
•  Measuring the distraction index
•  Buchanan's Vertebral Heart Score

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Optional add-ons

Amadeo P vet

Amadeo P high frequency X-ray units for portable X-ray in veterinary medicine
Its low weight, user-friendly operation and the integrated interface for using the X-ray unit with a digital system enable various fields of application in small animal practices and equine clinics.

PACS KU Modul vet

Report module for X-ray services relating to equine prepurchase examinations
This dicomPACS®vet report module enables the quick compilation of reports by automatically assembling X-ray images. It follows the “X-ray guideline” by the German organisations “Gesellschaft für Pferdemedizin e.V.” (non-profit organsation for equine medicine) and “Bundestierärztekammer e.V.” (Federal association of veterinarians). 

PACS MobileView vet

dicomPACS®MobileView - The web-based viewer for mobile devices or PCs for vets
As a virtually independent browser, it allows the viewing of image material on mobile devices also outside a veterinary clinic or a practice. The vets staff can access all image material from the dicomPACS®vet system worldwide via a network connection.


ORCA® - The DICOM cloud for veterinary images and documents
ORCA® (OR Technology Cloud Archiving) is a software solution designed to make everyday work in veterinary practices and animal clinics easier, cheaper and more efficient. ORCA archives medical images and documents on its remote servers using highest security standards, and enables these data to be shared with other veterinarians and authorised persons online.

PACS Basispaket vet

dicomPACS®vet – the sophisticated and high-tech image management solution  
dicomPACS®vet  is an easy to operate, well thought out instrument for daily diagnoses. The software includes the acquisition, processing, transfer and archiving of image material and can easily be integrated into all common administration systems.

Roentgentische Vet

X-ray tables for stationary digital X-ray imaging
Premium patient tables take into account the diversity of patients in veterinary practices and clinics. All offered X-ray tables of the newest generation allow for easy and comfortable work.


Wandstative Wandhalterungen Vet

Mobile stands and cassette holder for digital X-ray
The variety of patient sizes poses a major challenge for manufacturers of X-ray technology and accessories. Trolley stands and casette holder must be adapted to their patients. A range of mobile stands and cassette holders can be found here.



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Technical specifications for Leonardo DR-mini II

Compact and light suitcase

Total weight: 8.9 kg (including the complete suitcase, notebook, power supply and electronics), size: ca. 49 x 39.5 x 18.5 cm, inclusive detachable strap for convenient transport


Convertible 2-in-1 premium notebook with large monitor, newest 8th generation Intel® Core™ i7 processor, 16 GB RAM, full HD touchscreen monitor, keyboard with background lighting, SSD hard disk 512 GB

Flat panel detector 24 x 30 cm (10“ x 12“) wireless*

Wireless X-ray imaging!
Fits into an existing X-ray system without requiring modification (in conformity 
with the X-ray film cassette), fast charging, long life batteries

Flat panel detector 35 x 43 cm (14" x 17") wireless*

Wireless X-ray imaging!
Fits into an existing X-ray system without requiring modification (in conformity with the X-ray film cassette), fast charging, long life batteries

* Various types of flat panel on request

Leonardo DR mini II software package

The dicomPACS®DX-R professional console software sports a modern graphical user interface, integrated radiographic positioning guide and the following modules:

  • dicomPACS®DX-R DICOM Send SCU
  • dicomPACS®DX-R DICOM Patient CD
  • dicomPACS®DX-R Cognition Optimised Processing
Extension for battery operation

Allows working without power connection up to an average of 4-6 hours in normal mode 

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Optional components for the Leonardo DR mini II system

Wireless synchronisation

for any  X-ray generator

Protective case for detector

Available for all three versions

  • For 35 x 43 cm (14“ x 17“) detectors
  • For 24 x 30 cm (10“ x 12“) detectors

Available with and without grid

Carrying case for 35 x 43 cm (14" x 17") detector

Available for DR mini II [1417] and DR mini II [1417]
Dimensions: 55.5 x 49 x 6 cm

Amadeo P high frequency X-ray system

Portable high frequency X-ray units for high-quality X-ray images: Low weight and user-friendly operation  enable various fields of application in small animal practices and equine clinic

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