2021 will be a special year in several re­spects.

30 years ago the history of OR Tech­no­logy started with an idea in a Rostock living room:
A vision was born, nur­tured with high quality stand­ards, pro­fes­sional com­pet­ence and co­oper­at­ive part­ner­ship.

What you would today call a start-up company, has de­veloped from ini­tially 2 em­ploy­ees to an in­ter­na­tional, leading pro­vider of X-ray and image man­age­ment solu­tions with more than 70 em­ploy­ees and cus­tom­ers in over 120 coun­tries over the last 30 years.

We are very proud of this. We thank all our part­ners and com­pan­ions.
Let us start the new year with strength and brave all the current in­con­veni­ences to­gether.

A year of special chal­lenges is coming to an end. A year that prob­ably nobody ex­pec­ted like this, a year that has shaken up our every­day work and pro­cesses.

One more reason to thank you very much for your co­oper­a­tion and the trust you have placed in us.

The entire OR Tech­no­logy team wishes you and your family a Merry Christ­mas and a Happy New Year.

Instead of Christ­mas presents for cus­tom­ers and busi­ness friends, OR Tech­no­logy sup­ports the Rostock city mission.

From 9 - 18 Decem­ber, the Medical Fair Asia will be a virtual event.

The 10-day online exhibition will offer participants a purpose-built online B2B experience for manufacturers, suppliers, distributors and trade buyers from the medical and healthcare sector to conduct business on a secure sourcing platform.

Visit us online. You can re­gister free of charge via this link.

We look forward to seeing you.



We have reached an im­port­ant mile­stone with the small animal X-ray table, which we de­signed and pro­duced com­pletely in-house. Both, our ex­per­i­ence from the last few years and tips and wishes from veter­in­ari­ans have been in­cor­por­ated into our new X-ray unit.

The Amadeo V mini II with its com­pletely flat table top without up­stands will inspire you.

Our new X-ray machine has many ad­vant­ages and in­nov­a­tions to offer. The best way to find out is to take a look right here.

We would like to invite you to the virtual.MEDICA 2020.

The world's leading information and communication platform for medical technology will take place completely online from 16 to 19 November.

Here - at virtual.MEDICA - you can register quickly and free of charge as a visitor and pay us a virtual visit.

All information about our innovative hardware and software solutions can be found on our OR Technology exhibitor page.

We look forward to your visit! Stay healthy.

The ASNT 2020 annual con­fer­ence will take place from 9 to 12 Novem­ber.

The annual con­fer­ence will be a virtual con­fer­ence of­fer­ing you an online con­nec­tion to the NDT com­munity around the globe.

Enjoy the same content and net­work­ing op­por­tun­it­ies you expect from ASNT while at­tend­ing se­curely from home.

OR Tech­no­logy will attend for the first time and present our port­able X-ray solu­tions and the digital image and com­mu­nic­a­tion soft­ware DICONDE for the NDT sector.

Visit our OR Tech­no­logy booth at the Omnia Health Live America from 2 to 6 Novem­ber 2020.

The or­gan­izers of Expo Med, FIME and Hos­pit­alar, bring you Omnia Health Live Amer­icas; a virtual, 5-day expo from 2 – 6 Novem­ber 2020, uniting the most in­nov­at­ive minds from the U.S. and Latin Amer­ican health­care com­munity, with online tools and apps for seam­less net­work­ing with global sup­pli­ers.

The visit is for free. You can re­gister via this link.

We look forward to your visit!

The industrial exhibition as part of the DVG-Vet Congress will take place in Berlin from 16 to 17 October 2020.

We would like to welcome you at the OR Technology booth 29 in the Estrel Convention Center (ECC).

During the two days we will present our stationary and mobile X-ray units as well as our software innovations.

 Have a look at our booth. We are looking forward to your visit.

In our new guide for the security industry you get a complete overview of our product solutions depending on the application scenario.

The security industry is a globally growing market sector confronted with challenges ranging from anti-terrorism and road safety to forensic science and civil defence. Public authorities, embassies, explosive ordnance disposal units, airports and corporations all rely on radiography for daily and emergency inspections.

OR Technology is one of the pioneers in the field of digital radiology, having developed the in-house medical X-ray software dicomPACS® in the 1990s, followed by the ORsecure Security Software for acquisition and evaluation of X-ray imaging in the year 2014. Our portable digital systems deliver high-quality X-ray images perfect for detecting even the smallest deviations during security operations.

Check out our new brochure: X-ray systems for mobile security applications. Together we will find the right solution.

The Amadeo S-DR motorised is a motorised U-arm X-ray system for the production of all diagnostic projection radiography images. Both its compact design and the minimum ceiling height of only 2.40 m make the system perfectly suited for small rooms. It includes all necessary components and functions for digital X-ray without cassettes: motorised U-arm system, generator, X-ray detector, PC and the dicomPACS®DX-R acquisition and diagnostic software.

The very flexible and partially motorised positioning of the stand allows a wide range of images to be acquired. These can be taken on sitting, standing or lying patients (table optional). All important settings and operating operations are performed via an integrated 10" touchscreen display console.

Convince yourself. In our new product video all important information is presented clearly.

Further advantages and technical details can be found here.