Perfect X-ray of the Horse's Cervical Spine

9 April 2025 | 19.00Uhr CEST | 90min

Do you have a licence to practise as a veterinary surgeon? Horses are particularly close to your heart, and X-raying animals is your passion? Would you like to perfect X-raying the cervical spine in particular?

Then you've come to the right place!
Pferde perfekt geröntgt im OstseeCollege

09 April 2025 | 19.00Uhr CEST |


You will receive an email confirming your purchase after booking. One week before the event, you will receive your link to access the online seminar. Please also check your spam folder.


For all interested licensed veterinarians

Prices: 150.- € plus VAT.

What you can expect

The aim of the online seminar "Perfect X-ray Imaging of the Horse's Cervical Spine":

The seminar series enables you to deepen your knowledge and skills in X-raying horses. You will learn how to further improve your radiographs and optimise your findings.

Topic of the online seminar:
  • Perfect X-ray of the horse's cervical spine

Course content (general):

  • 1. standardised preparation and positioning of the patient
  • 2. special radiological recording of the regions of interest
  • 3. explanation of the imaging techniques
  • 4. demonstration of relevant X-ray projections + numerous sample images

Fill up on knowledge!

Key topics of the course

Programme horse's cervical spine
(changes possible)

Topics for the online seminar ‘Cervical spine perfectly X-rayed’:

✓ General requirements for radiography of the cervical spine:

  • Standardised preparation and positioning of the patient;
  • Technical aids for exact positioning of the X-ray source and detector plate.

✓ Standard images for general radiological assessment and topographic imaging of the cervical spine;
✓ Special radiological recording of the following regions of interest:

  • Atlantooccipital joint;
  • Procc. articulares and their joints (facet joints), C2/C3 to C7/T1;
  • Foramina intervertebralia;
  • Ventral and dorsal tuberosities of the transverse processes; ventral lamina of C6;
  • Ventro-lateral surfaces and margins of the corpora vertebralia and extremitates cran. / caud.

Your speaker

Dr. med. vet. Aleksandar Vidović

Specialist for surgery / Specialist for horses / Authorisation for further training in both specialities

Dr med. vet. Aleksandar Vidović

Short vita:
August 2021 Foundation of the ‘Vidocq Equine Surgery Consulting GmbH

May 2013 - August 2021 Managing Director and Medical Director / from December 2019 Medical Director of the St. Georg Equine Clinic in Trier

August 2011 to May 2013 Head surgeon at the Burg Müggenhausen equine clinic

Since October 2002 Authorisation for further training in the specialist areas of ‘Surgery’ and ‘Horses’

August 2000 Recognised as a specialist veterinarian for horses

March 1999 Recognised as a specialist vet for surgery

1998-2011 Worked in a veterinary clinic for horses in Altforweiler

1995-1998 Assistant doctor

1997 Dissertation

1992-1995 Surgical training at the Hochmoor veterinary clinic

1985-1991 Studied veterinary medicine at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Belgrade


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Your registration for the waiting list will be registered in the order in which it is received.

Please note the general terms and conditions for seminars and further education in the OstseeCollege - Terms and Conditions.

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