OR OstseeCollege - Human- und Veterinär-Medizinische Seminare, Weiterbildung und Fachkunde-Prüfungen wo andere Urlaub machen
Seminars, sales partner training
& online training courses
   where others spend their holidays

International Training Week
16. - 20. June 2025

OR OstseeCollege - Fort- und Weiterbildung in Rostock
Dear sales partners and OEMs,
we would like to invite you to our next In­ter­na­tional Train­ing Week.

Train­ing con­tents are com­pre­hens­ive in­form­a­tion about our soft­ware and hard­ware products. In­nov­a­tions from a sales and tech­nical point of view will be presen­ted to you.

Since the train­ing con­tains a sales- and tech­no­logy-ori­ented part, we re­com­mend the par­ti­cip­a­tion of one of your company's spe­cial­ists from each of these de­part­ments.

Our contact person Christine Neumann will be happy to help you with any ques­tions you may have re­gard­ing the train­ing.
You can reach Ms. Neumann by e-mail: christine.neumann@or-tech­no­logy.com or call us at +49 (0)381 36 600 500.

Please note: The registration deadline for the training is 01. June 2025.

We are looking forward to your participation and remain with warm greetings
Your OR Technology Team

International Training Week
16. - 20. June 2025
Oehm und Rehbein GmbH
Neptunallee 7c | 18057 Rostock
Map: googlemaps

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