Innovative digital image management solutions for vets

The dicomPACS®vet software can help your dream of a paperless veterinary practice come true. With dicomPACS®vet, images and various types of documents (e.g., medical findings and reports, faxes) are stored in a digital patient folder and readily accessible. Our carefully designed archive and backup solutions guarantee quick access to all data and high security standards (in keeping with international guidelines for human medicine). Furthermore, the software can easily be integrated into all common practice information systems.

The dicomPACS®vet software acquires, processes, transfers and archives images as well as other documents. The program was designed, developed and tested in cooperation with medical practitioners in order to provide a user-friendly tool for everyday veterinary care.



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Professional digital image management

Modular design

  • Adaptable for use in both large and small animal practices, equine clinics or universities 
  • User friendly, well structured and highly usable
  • The user interface can be customized according to the demands of your medical speciality
  • Common functions can be assigned to hot keys for greater efficiency


Adaptable and individualized features

  • Special features for vets
  • Parallel processing (e.g., data input can continue while a CD is being burnt)
  • „Perfect memory“ - images retain all the previous markings and settings, including zoom and alignments
  • Several diagnostic reports can be prepared in parallel – numerous program windows can be opened simultaneously without loss of speed (depending on computer memory)



  • Easy integration into existing HIS or RIS (DICOM, HL7, BDT/GDT)
  • Storage of all images and documents exclusively according to international DICOM standards



Numerous tools, features and expansions are available:

  • Windowing, zoom and filter functions
  • Integrated web server
  • Operative reports
  • Special measurement functions, special filter (TPLO, TTA, Distraction index, Buchanan‘s Vertebral Heart Score etc.)
  • Automatic, AI-based HD measurement for dogs (Norberg-Winkel)
  • Surgical planning
  • Integration of dictation and speech recognition systems etc.


Cost and depreciation of dicomPACS®

  • Expansions and updates can easily be integrated into the modular design over many years
  • Very cost-effective – rapid depreciation possible
  • Remote maintenance service available


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  • Product brochure dicomPACS®vet - Professional image processing in veterinary medicine
    Digital X-ray and image management for the highest demands, includes acquisition, diagnosis, transfer and archiving of image material

  • Product overview veterinary medicine
    Digital X-ray imaging - guide for vet clinic and practice

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Picture Archiving and Communication System

dicomPACS® is a Picture Archiving and Communication System (PACS) that performs many different, at times highly complex, tasks. It connects, controls and manages everything related to your images: from image acquisition and the compilation of diagnostic reports, to archiving and transferring image data. 

The program ensures that high quality images can be distributed and viewed quickly, and without complications (e.g., via a web server). The system is extremely flexible and adaptable to new applications.


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  • Reference Surgical and Gynaecological Clinic for small animals at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in Munich, Germany
    Apart from the numerous beneficial functions of image management software, another criterion supporting Prof. Dr. med. vet. Andrea Meyer-Lindenberg's decision to purchase the image management system, is the fact that queries, suggestions and problems are always dealt with promptly and competently by the OR Technology team.

  • Reference Dr. Thomas Weinberger, Equine Clinic Burg Müggenhausen, Germany
    Dr. Thomas Weinberger, head of the Equine Clinic Burg Müggenhausen: "Overall, we wish to repeat that we are very happy with the investment and the changeover. The software provides the option, by means of a report module, to produce reports on individual images in MS Word and to store these reports directly in the patient file. The reports can be prepared and compiled in accordance with our specific requirements. This resulted in a marked improvement of our internal and external documentation."

  • Reference joint practice for veterinary care Dr. Richter/Winkler, Rostock, Germany
    „For example, I can call up the medical record of a patient in Easyvet and at the same time view and edit digital X-ray images in the PACS system,“ comments veterinarian Dr. Andreas Kromik. „When working simultaneously on two records in Easyvet, one had to save the files after each step. That was very annoying and, thankfully, no longer necessary.“

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Prosthesis documentation

For surgical planning using the digital prosthesis templates provided by manufacturers

Report module for X-ray services relating to equine prepurchase examinations

Enables the quick compilation of reports by automatically assembling X-ray images. It follows the “X-ray guideline” by the German organisations “Gesellschaft für Pferdemedizin e.V.” (non-profit organisation for equine medicine) and “Bundestierärztekammer e.V.” (Federal association of veterinarians).

Special filter for the optimization of bones and soft parts

Details of interest may be made visible by means of special filter magnifiers

TPLO measuring function (Tibial Plateau Leveling Osteotomy)

It serves to theoretically optimise the existing slope of the tibial plateau in domestic dogs 

TTA measuring tool (Tibial Tuberosity Advancement)

The TTA measuring technique is used to apply the translated length measurements at the tuberositas tibiae in dogs

HD measuring technique for dogs

dicomPACS®vet provides a special tool to guarantee very fast and reliable determination of the Norberg angle, including documentation  

Measuring the distraction index

This measuring tool serves to determine the displacement of the femoral head from the joint socket of the hip joint in dogs

Buchanan‘s Vertebral Heart Score

This annotation is a simple and reliable method to determine the size of the heart - it has been desiged specifically for cats and dogs

Modified Maquet Procedure (MMP)

The MMP  is a method of measurement for dogs with a cruciate ligament disorder, in which the distance for the placement of the MMP Wedge is determined

Statistics Module

Enables freely configurable analysis of the complete database  


Images and reports can be shared directly or transferred via our cloud solution ORCA

Processing of CT and MRI series

dicomPACS®vet includes professional tools such as MPR and MIP to evaluate cross section series 

Hanging protocols

The placement of images and cases on the monitor can be freely configured

Distributed archives

Multiple archives hosted on distributed hardware platforms designed for the requirements of different groups of clinics and medical centres


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Further optional modules and add-ons of dicomPACS® Basic Package

PACS Prothesendokumentation

dicomPACS®vet Pre-operative planning with the prosthesis documentation module
The dicomPACS®vet prosthesis documentation module allows you to plan and/or document operations. There are two ways to plan an operation with prosthesis templates. You can either insert digital templates into the X-ray image or use existing prosthesis templates.

PACS Schnittbilder vet

dicomPACS®vet Administration and diagnosis of image slices
dicomPACS®vet includes all the necessary tools for the professional diagnosis of slices such as CT or MRI. Functions like hanging protocols, cine loop, manual scrolling through series, and the visualisation of current and delimiting outlines allow the user to work fast and professionally.

PACS MobileView vet

dicomPACS®MobileView - the web-based viewer for mobile devices
The web-based viewer contains all the basic functions for viewing images. You can view images virtually with any browser on mobile devices. dicomPACS®MobileView offers vets a previously unknown degree of mobile freedom in the workplace inside and outside of equine clinic or vet practices, with the radiological image material available from anywhere.

PACS KU Modul vet

Report module for X-ray services relating to equine prepurchase examinations
This dicomPACS®vet report module enables the quick compilation of reports by automatically assembling X-ray images. It follows the “X-ray guideline” by the German organisations “Gesellschaft für Pferdemedizin e.V.” (non-profit organsation for equine medicine) and “Bundestierärztekammer e.V.” (Federal association of veterinarians). 


ORCA - storage of medical data (images and documents) as well as sharing via the internet
ORCA (OR Technology Cloud Archiving) is a cloud-based platform specially designed for storing, viewing and sharing medical images and documents. ORCA offers two exciting applications: ORCA Archive and ORCA Share.



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Subject to technical modifications